• Voie Lactée, c. 1950

    Milky Way, c. 1950

    Milky Way, c. 1950, Mount Wilson & Palomar Observatories, USA

    Vintage silver print

    35,5 x 35,5 cm / 14 x 14 inch

  • Autour des Pléiades, 1932

    Around the Pleiades, 1932

    Marcel de KEROLYR, Around the Pleiades, Forcalquier, November 1932

    Around Messier 45 (Pleiades), Taurus, the stars are (from lef to right) : Alcyone, Merope, Maïa, Electra.

    Photograph presented in the book : Le poids du ciel (1938) written by Jean GIONO (Planche IX).

    Gelatin Silver Print

    12 x 15,5 cm / 4,8 x 6,2 inch

  • Gemini 12, Buzz Aldrin Self portrait (non-NASA)

    Gemini 12, Buzz Aldrin Self portrait (non-NASA)

    Gemini 12, Buzz Aldrin Self portrait, november 1966 (non-NASA)

    Original photography, Color Print

    Signed by Buzz Aldrin

    25,4 x 20,32 cm / 10 x 8 inch

  • Galaxie de Barnard, avec écriture manuscrite de Hubble, 1923

    Barnard Galaxy, with Hubble handwritting, 1923

    Barnard Galaxy (NGC 6822), avec écriture manuscrite de Hubble, 10 juillet 1923

    Gelatin Silver Print

    25 x 20,5 cm / 9,9 x 8,1 inch

  • Gemini 12, Aldrin's recovery (66-H-1436)

    Gemini 12, Aldrin’s recovery (66-H-1436)

    Gemini 12, Aldrin’s recovery (66-H-1436), 15/12/1966

    Photo NASA, Original photography

    Gelatin silver Period Print

    25,4 x 20,32 cm / 10 x 8 inch

  • Galaxie de Barnard, 1910

    Barnard Galaxy, 1923

    Barnard Galaxy (NGC 6822), 1910, Mount Wilson & Palomar Observatories

    Gelatin Silver Print

    25 x 21 cm / 9,9 x 8,3 inch

  • Gemini 4, EVA, Edward White

    Gemini 4, EVA, Edward White

    Gemini 4, EVA, Edward White, 03/06/1965

    Signed by McDivitt, command pilot James McDivitt took this photo of pilot Edward H White II as White inspected the spacecraft exterior.

    Photo NASA, colour photo-lithography


    20,32 x 25,4 cm / 8 x 10 inch

  • Apollo 8, Cratère de la face cachée de la Lune pris en orbite (AS08-17-2703)

    Apollo 8, Orbital photography of the moon (AS08-17-2703)

    Apollo 8, Orbital photography of the moon (AS08-17-2703), 1968

    Photo NASA, original photography

    Gelatin silver print, a Kodak Paper


    25,4 x 20,32 cm / 10 x 8 inch

  • Nébuleuse dans la constellation du Cygne, c. 1950

    Nebula in Cygnus, c. 1950

    Nebula in Cygnus, c. 1950, Mount Wilson Observatory

    Vintage Silver Print

    34,5 x 27,7 cm / 13,6 x 10,9 inch

  • Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin déploie le PSEP (AS11-40-5949)

    Buzz Aldrin deploying PSEP (AS11-40-5949)

    Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin deploying for the very first time a seismic sensor (PSEP) on Moon (AS11-40-5949), 20/07/1969

    Photo NASA, original photography

    C-Print, a Kodak Paper


    41 x 51 cm / 16 x 20 inch

    Also available in 20,32 x 25,4 cm / 8 x 10 inch

  • Galaxie en Spirale, c. 1950

    Spiral Galaxy, c. 1950

    Spiral Galaxy, c. 1950, Mount Wilson & Palomar Observatories

    Spiral Galaxy (NGC 5364) in the constellation Virgo

    Vintage gelatin silver print

    35,5 x 28,3 cm / 14 x 11,2 inch

  • Apollo 17, Croissant de Terre (72-H-1631)

    Apollo 17, Earth crescent (72-H-1631)

    Apollo 17, Earth crescent (72-H-1631), 1972

    Photo NASA, original photography, Goddart space flight center

    C-Print, a Kodak Paper


    25,4 x 20,32 cm / 10 x 8 inch